Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I'm listening to some of my audio dissertation data today. Yes my friends, Hell just might have frozen over! I'm working on this thing again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not transcribing the data yet. But I am digitizing it - one baby step at a time!

For those of you who haven't been following my illustrious career (ha!!), I rode along with parole agents for two years. Two years of meeting them before dawn, so they could wake up those "lazy" parolees bright and early. I ran audio the whole time, because I knew I'd never remember a damn thing that happened at 6:00am.

You know what's jumping out at me from the tapes? Me. Yawning. Repeatedly. And trying to talk at the same time. It's pretty funny, actually. I can't even understand myself, but it's super-clear that I was exhausted. Know what's really funny? The last five minutes have been of me, all pissed off because I forgot to put tape in the video camera and missed a really good interaction. Because I was so tired.

No wonder I haven't finished this damn thing. Go figure.

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