Usually if something wakes me up before my natural time, I can get back to sleep fairly quickly. The odd thing is that I often sleep WAY past my natural wake-up time when this happens, starting the "drifting" process. My fellow DSPS'ers know what this is - waking up later pushes my natural sleep time back even later than usual, pushing my natural wake time even more off the mark. Not a good thing.
Today, I tried to counter that by setting my alarm for 9:00 when I woke up at 5:20. Between 9:00 and 10:00 is my natural time, so it wasn't far off the mark. Still, when that alarm goes off it jolts me awake and throws me off all day. It's like a mental switch doesn't quite turn on.
This leads to things like:
Walking into a room and looking around, not remembering why I'm there.
Hitting my head on the bathroom door, which opens outward into my hallway. I usually know it's there, and I pay attention, but not when I'm "off."
Putting my brush in my medicine cabinet instead of in the drawer.
Making coffee without putting the grounds in the filter, then standing there for a few minutes wondering why all I ended up with was hot water.
Dropping a whole container of blueberries all over the kitchen floor. Do you know how hard it is to get blueberries swept up off a kitchen floor that looks like THIS? Yes, those little dots are just about blueberry sized, of course.
It's not just that I'm tired when I wake up unnaturally. I'm...weird. There have been times in my life when I've been afraid to stay at other people's houses overnight because I don't want them to see how freaky I am in the mornings.
Does this happen to other people with DSPS too? Does it happen to you??? Or am I truly strange?